- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Circular Valley® Forum
18. November 2022
€1.499 – €79Conference Program
09:30 CET
10:00 – 11:30 CET
- Welcome/Introduction, Overview of Main Emission Streams, Global Gap Report
- Challenges from a business perspective
- Current scientific/technological developments
- Regulatory developments
11:45 – 13:00 CET
Forum I: Science/Technology
- Most relevant new scientific frameworks
- Development towards perfect cycles – advances in different material categories
- Technologies to remedy the environmental damage already caused by open cycles
Forum II: Regulatory developments
- Implementation of the European Union Circular Economy Action Plan
- (Financial) impact on a variety of industries, taxonomy: access to finance
- International perspective – comparable action plans in non-European countries
13:00 – 14:00 CET
Networking lunch
+ All day Circular Valley® Club for Founders, Sponsors and Circular Valley® members
14:00 – 15:15 CET
Forum III: Customer acceptance and communication of circular economy
- Customer willingness-to-pay for circular business models
- Leaders in communication
- Communication of the circular economy idea
Forum IV: Potentials for companies and cities
- Circularity and local/regional business models
- Role of local funding
- New business models of the circular economy and cross-value chain collaboration
15:30 – 17:00 CET
Closing panel, plenum
Opportunities of the circular economy nationally and internationally
17:00 CET
End of conference program
Festive dinner
Musical accompaniment by
the Wuppertal Symphonic Orchestra
the Wuppertal Symphonic Orchestra
18:00 CET
19:00 CET
- Greeting
- Circular Economy Icons
- Business Best Practices
- Panel of Circular Valley® Founders and Sponsors
- Circular Economy Trailblazers
- Arts and Circular Economy
- Cross Country Collaboration
21:45 CET
Dessert and entertainment program
in a relaxed atmosphere in the different halls of the Historical Town Hall, informal networking
24:00 CET